New music for Bing/Santospirito

Music for Opera #1 ~ High drama on the water

Three pieces for violin and piano, recorded on a river.

Raw recordings, unmixed and unmastered, these pieces were captured whilst the band was recording compositions for a theatre play (A Mouthful of 'C' Words for Mona Foma 2023).

Natalya had been recovering from Covid during the sessions and originally we had thought these warm-up pieces were just throwaway improvised fragments. We changed our minds after repeated listens. Somehow we seemed to have channelled some gothic emotions, maybe bubbling up from the violent history of the area.

During these sessions Josh was awake at 5am on the deck above the water and witnessed his first rakali; a beautiful native Australian mammalian water-rat with a splendid white-tipped tail. In Robbie Arnott's book 'Flames' there is a rakali river god dwelling in the South Esk River (in Northern lutruwita / Tasmania).


releases June 1, 2023

Bing/Santospirito are
Natalya Bing - Violin
Joshua Santospirito - Piano

Studio recording - Jethro Pickett
Studio dog - Juno
Photo - Ursula Woods