
I've got heaps of news. I'm really excited to invite you to my first proper commercial exhibition. I'm pretty proud of the artworks and I hope you enjoy them in all their weirdness and moodiness.

Exhibition catalogue here - sneak in and buy one before the show even starts!
All works are for sale through Penny Contemporary: contactable by phone or email if you can't make it to the show in person. Penny Contemporary is at 187 Liverpool Street Hobart. There won't be an opening for the exhibition due to the current situation so I'm sad I won't be able to see all of you in one spot, but I hope you'll still be able to see the show regardless.

I created a large amount of these works at Cradle Mountain National Park in 2021. Much thanks to Arts Tas and Parks Tasmania for letting me do that wonderful residency.

Our new album is released Feb 9

The Quoll 12" vinyl records have landed and they look pretty amazing. I conceived of the cover as an elaborate art catalogue from the broader project of The Quoll. The recording itself is the live concert from last year's performances at St David's cathedral where Natalya Bing (the violinist on the right with the snorkel) and I (guitarist on the right in the black wetsuit) teamed up with Randal Muir (didn't come snorkelling with us) on the largest pipe organ in Tasmania. Published with the help of Scratch Match Records.

Buy the LP now

Wednesday the 9th, 7pm Australian EST (GMT 8am) you can join us on our YouTube channel when we launch the record by releasing the full concert film which was filmed at St David's cathedral at Mona Foma 2021, also starring Sally Rees as the Quoll.

Click on the Facebook event for reminders